Things Have Been a Whirlwind!

Sorry I didn’t write a blog a few weeks ago. Life in the Pritchard house has been a little crazy. About two months ago, we decided that since the market in Arizona was hot, that we would attempt at selling our house. That entailed a lot of cleaning I didn’t want to do! But, my efforts paid off because our house sold the first day for full price! I told Doug it had to happen that way because God knew I couldn’t have an immaculately clean house for more than a day…not with my kiddos!

We were unprepared for how quickly it sold, so as you can imagine we have been living in a whirlwind! We are very excited to now be living within a few miles of my mom, dad, sister and brother! It’s nice to know we can bring a dish over to any of their houses and it will still be hot when we arrive! I am overjoyed to be so close to everyone!

During this time, I noticed that when I looked forward I no longer saw double. I decided to take the glasses off and have been seeing straight for nearly a week! I still see double when I look left, but the glasses must have helped my forward vision to align. Praise be to God for that and for all your prayers!

During the move, the entire family caught colds and mine turned into bronchitis, so I have been suffering from that this past week. This is extremely bad timing because I have no voice right now, and will be speaking at the Arizona Religious Freedom Rally this Friday. I am doing my best to rest my voice and get well to be able to make my voice heard at the rally. I will post my speech once I give it. I would like to share my take on the HHS Mandate with all of you.

Just wanted to give you a little update and let you know I will write again soon! May God bless your week!

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